about life church

men of life

At Life Church, we believe that men are designed to be the priest, prophet, and king of their homes and that God has a unique design and purpose for the life of every man.

about men of life

Our Mission

Men of Life exists to help men find their best life through discovering their God-designed purpose.

Our goal is to help any man, regardless of his current state of living, to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Life, and then Make a Difference in this life. We accomplish this through various activities and programs focused on encouraging men to pursue a life of excellence in Christ.

We consider Jesus as the apex model of masculinity and regard Him as both our source [of provision] as well as our identity target. The standard for manhood that we recognize, intended for all men, is that “manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous.”

life groups

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league city

1101 S. Egret Bay Blvd.
League City, TX 77573

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5125 Preston Ave.
Pasadena, TX 77505

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402 Laurel Drive
Friendswood, TX 77546

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ongoing events

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Men of Life Group

Want to stay up to date with all of our men’s events throughout the year? Join our Men of Life Group.

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